I’ve shared myself and my expertise with you. You now know the results I can and have produced, and why I’m able to do so. You’ve visited this page because you know it is time to move forward.
Call me and let’s chat...Lesley-Ann 604.315.7140
When I walk into my office, I have to be on. I can’t share with my team the kind of stress or challenges that I’m facing. When I come to coaching it is a place I can process my thoughts and share my challenges in a way that is objective and confidential. I can bounce some of my ideas off you and get feedback if they are reasonable and well thought out. I’m in a position where I’m supposed to just know. This is why I work with you.
Marriott Management Group
Lesley-Ann Marriott
Executive Coach
T: 604.315.7140
E: coach@MarriottManagement.ca
Vancouver, BC Canada
Lesley-Ann Marriott. PCC, CEC
I am a Vancouver-based certified executive coach, speaker, facilitator, and executive level leader who specialized in developing management teams in a big box retail operation. I am passionate about people achieving their potential ; I provide a direct and action oriented process for immediate client results …
Coaching is becoming a common practice is organizations...
Marriott Management Group
Lesley-Ann Marriott
Executive Coach
Vancouver, BC Canada