If you already invest in professional and personal development you know there is no shortage of executive coaches. On this page you’ll discover what my strengths are and learn whether I am the right coach for you.
For me this first one is a non-starter. Your coach must be able to understand what you are going through, and this usually requires that they have been an executive themselves. So let’s get this part out of the way: I have sat in your chair as an executive and continue to keep the seat warm as a program director and board trustee for organizations I care about.
From Executive to Executive Coach
During my time as an executive I earned a reputation for successfully developing people, teams and business partnerships in a variety of industries. My most recognizable executive role was in the Food & Sundries Purchasing division of Costco.
I enjoyed my corporate work but realized I am my best when I have complete autonomy and I am fuelled by the success of others. In 2003, I completed the Executive Coaching Program at Royal Roads University. I am now an associate faculty member for the program and sit on the examination panel.
You Must Have a Vision
My own life is shaped by vision. Frankly, I’m not someone who can follow simple directions. I need to understand the big picture, the complete vision, and then proceed. I have perfected this with my work leading and motivating volunteers where the only thing I have is the vision!
As a coach this is a tremendous strength. I will easily grasp your organization and personal visions and I can coach you on how to convey your vision to your team. I believe everyone within a team, within your teams, needs to define and understand their contribution within the whole. When we achieve this, you will no longer be frustrated by your teams’ lack of autonomy.
The reason I chose Lesley-Ann was because of her style. I like people who can hold their own and be able to articulate what’s just happened and have the confidence enough to hold you to commitments.
I should be clear about this: Our work together won’t always be easy. When we meet I am going to see your true potential, and I will be coaching you towards it. If you don’t believe me, you can ask my running partners when I train, and run, 100-125km ultra marathons. There is no stopping, there is no holding back.
When we partner together, I will always provide a supportive and friendly coaching environment, but if you fall out of integrity with yourself and your vision you’ll feel me nipping at your heels to keep you on track.
Lesley-Ann Marriott, PCC, CEC
I am a Vancouver-based certified executive coach, speaker, facilitator, and executive level leader who specialized in developing management teams in a big box retail operation. I am passionate about people achieving their potential; I provide a direct and action oriented process for immediate client results …
Find out why I am the right coach
for you …
Always very attentive to your rhythm of progress…equipped me with tools and road map towards my career dreams. Most importantly, she helped me to regain my self-confidence and motivation to go forward and achieve …
As an independent business man where do I turn to solve my problems? My co-conspirators will eat me alive and those who turn to me to solve their problems often are un-helpful or not informed enough to solve my problems.
.. exceptional coach and has the ability to poke and prod to allow you to answer your own questions and devise plans of action to solve problems. Many times you already have the solutions, but the critical thinking needed to get there needs to be brought to you by an independent party…
Here’s what I want…I want to know how to motivate the people around me, and I want them to buy into my vision. I want to raise the game of the people working around me . I want to raise my own game. I want to manage multiple teams on multiple projects simultaneously. I want to win….always!
Les sparks my creativity with her insightful and direct approach… uses her intuition to get to the heart of the things I put in the way of my growth and shines a light on them so I can make the move to realize those barriers and move beyond them…
I appreciate your openness and honesty in dealing with me. It seems you have shared your journey from both your heart and your intellect. My sense of you contains much strength and the possibility of the dual assets of humility and fierce resolve.
Clarity around my vision and long term goal. The ability to hold the focus and move in that direction no matter what obstacles or challenges I face along the path.
Lesley-Ann Marriott. PCC, CEC
I am a Vancouver-based certified executive coach, speaker, facilitator, and executive level leader who specialized in developing management teams in a big box retail operation. I am passionate about people achieving their potential ; I provide a direct and action oriented process for immediate client results …
Coaching is becoming a common practice is organizations...
Marriott Management Group
Lesley-Ann Marriott
Executive Coach
Vancouver, BC Canada